New Beginnings...
Monday, October 3, 2016 – my life changed forever…
My Inner Strength… As I look back 3 years ago and remember how happy I was, married to my soulmate, my best friend, my forever. In one night, I lost the most important person in my life my husband Greg. My life changed forever….
These past 3 years have been very difficult, we went from a family of 4 who did everything together to a family of 3. I was a stay at home mom just starting my Real Estate career and now I am the sole provider for my family. Honestly, it scared me to death. I kept asking myself “How am I going to be able to do this?” I had not been in the work force since 2008 when we had our oldest son Gregory. All I wanted to do is hide but I knew I couldn’t. I had to be there for our boys. This journey was going to be a difficult one for all of us. I had to put myself aside for their well being.
As the weeks and months went by, I realized I needed My Tribe… the family and friends I could trust and rely on always. I knew there would be many difficult decisions on the horizon. I made the best decisions I could in the moment. Decisions that had to be made or the boys and I would not be where we are today.
Over the past three years, the boys and I have grown together, learned how to work as a family of 3 not 4. Don’t get me wrong, there has been some very difficult times. There where nights I did not think I could be a single parent and all I wanted was my husband back. Other nights I saw signs showing and guiding me that I was strong and could be a single parent of 2 boys.
Through this tragedy, I have found an inner strength that I never knew I had. In that moment I realized I needed to create a non-profit organization in honor of Greg that would help other widows and widowers in our community. The foundation would give them the resources, support and knowledge needed as they embark on this new and unknown journey, “The Greg Willmott Foundation” was create. Within the foundation I co-founded “Inner Strength of a Widow”. I want to help those of us who suffer this fate and have a safe place to learn how to live a new life. True grief is never overcome, you simply build a new life around it.
The boys and I have decided that we are not going to morn the loss of this incredible man instead we are going to celebrate Greg’s life together with family and friends. Each year by celebration this wonderful man life I have a mass read at our church and the boys go fishing on Daddy’s boat. Something he loved to do with his boys.
I have realized that my husband will always be a part of me and I will always love him but I needed to move forward with this Journey we call life. That is why I have created “The Greg Willmott Foundation and Inner Strength of a Widow” in honor of my husband to support and guide other widows and widowers to be successful in their own life Journey.
Melissa Willmott
Inner Strength of a Widow
True grief is never overcome, you simply build a new life around it